Sustainability and Social Engagement
Sustainability and Social Engagement
For an eco-friendly environment
The WEFA Group has ambitious goals: Not only when it comes to the quality of our products, but also in the case of environmental and climate protection. We have been EMAS-certified for more than 15 years and are working continuously to reduce our environmental footprint (Greenhouse Gas Protocol Scope 1 and 2).
Our customers also benefit from our climate protection goals as they themselves also strive to become climate neutral. For more information, please contact us at: nachhaltigkeit(at)
Cogeneration Unit: We cool with heat

We have been operating a cogeneration unit at our Singen site since 2016. This involves a modular structured unit which extracts electrical energy and heat, which is then used to cool the WEFA Inotec and WEFA Singen plants.
Photovoltaics: 100% natural energy
In order to support the advancement of solar energy, we have placed solar panels on much of our available roof space at our German and Swiss sites.

Loading Stations: Electricity for our electrical vehicles

WEFA has been actively converting the company fleet to electric, hybrid and hydrogen-powered vehicles since 2019. This has allowed us to already reduce our average CO2 emissions per kilometer by 50%. There are also a number of on-site Wallbox charging stations for the electric vehicles.
Certified Environmental Management
WEFA has been EMAS-certified for over 15 years.

Environmental Management Certificate WEFA Singen GmbH

EMAS Geprüftes Umweltmanagement WEFA Singen GmbH

Environmental Management Certificate WEFA Inotec GmbH

EMAS Geprüftes Umweltmanagement WEFA Inotec GmbH

Environmental Management Certificate WEFA Singen GmbH

EMAS-tested environmental management WEFA Singen GmbH

Environmental Management Certificate WEFA Inotec GmbH

EMAS-tested environmental management WEFA Inotec GmbH
Our commitment to the region

At WEFA we believe in giving back to the community. One way we do this is to help people in our region who aren’t quite as fortunate. We have therefore set up long-term partnerships with an organization that works with at-risk youth in our area, the Therapiehof Hegau in Rielasingen-Worblingen (Germany). The organization primarily supports children and teenagers with ADHS, autism or victims of trauma using animal-supported therapy. We also support the association Menschen Helfen e. V. which helps people struggling with poverty in the Hegau region around Singen.
In addition, WEFA sponsors a wide range of associations and institutions in the area, including the soccer team Hegauer FV and the vocational school, the Hohentwiel-Gewerbeschule.